Prof. Dr. Sea´n Allan
Seán Allan
2.007, 2. Etage
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn
Positionen und Funktionen
Joint Research Professor für Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft
Professor of German an der University of St Andrews (Schottland)
Bonn University Ambassador
nach Absprache
Zur Person
Seán Allan's research falls into two main areas. The first of these embraces the culture of the European Enlightenment and, in particular, issues around the Public Sphere and the German Social Imaginary around 1800. Together with Christian Moser (University of Bonn) he has recently published a bilingual volume entitled Re-Imagining the Public Sphere in the Long 19th-Century: Literatur, Theater und das soziale Imaginäre (Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2024). In May 2019 he co-organised the symposium German Culture and Napoleonic Occupation at the University of St Andrews and this was followed by a volume (co-edited with Jeffrey L. High) entitled Inspiration Bonaparte? German Culture under Napoleonic Occupation published by Camden House in 2021. He also has published extensively on the writer Heinrich von Kleist (1777-1811) and co-directed a three-year project with Ricarda Schmidt (University of Exeter) supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), entitled “Kleist, Education and Violence. The Transformation of Ethics and Aesthetics”. This project led to two substantial outputs: a volume of essays specifically on the theme of literature and violence published under the title Konstruktive und destruktive Funktionen von Gewalt im Werk Heinrich von Kleists, ed. Ricarda Schmidt, Seán Allan and Steven Howe (2012); the second was a jointly authored monograph by the same team Unverhoffte Wirkungen. Erziehung und Gewalt im Werk Heinrich von Kleists (2014).
His second main area of expertise is DEFA and the cinema of East Germany. His current work on DEFA is focused on documentary cinema and, in particular, the legacy of Bertolt Brecht. He staged a major international conference on East German documentary cinema in May 2022 and (with Sebastian Heiduschke) has recently published an edited volume entitled Documenting Socialism. East German Documentary Cinema (Oxford, New York: Berghahn Books, 2024).
In 2016-7 he was awarded a Research Fellowship from the Leverhulme Trust to support the research underpinning his most recent monograph Screening Art. Modernist Aesthhetics and the Socialist Imaginary which was published in March 2019 and re-issued in paperback in 2022. This research also informed the Summer Institute ‘Cuture in the Cold War. East German Art, Music and Film’ organised by the DEFA Film Library in 2019 and sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanties.
Together with Sebastian Heiduschke he co-edited the volume Re-Imagining DEFA. East German Cinema in its National and Transnational Contexts which was published by Berghahn Books in 2016.
ausgewählte Publikationen

Unverhoffte Wirkungen: Erziehung und Gewalt im Werk Heinrich von Kleists. Ricarda Schmidt, Seán Allan und Steven Howe. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2014. 417 S.

The Stories of Heinrich von Kleist. Fictions of Security. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2001. 242 S.

The Plays of Heinrich von Kleist. Ideals and Illusions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. 315 S.

Documenting socialism: East German documentary cinema. Hg. v. Seán Allan und Sebastian Heiduschke. New York: Berghahn, 2024. 390 S.

Re-imagining the Public Sphere in the Long Nineteenth Century. Literatur, Theater und das soziale Imaginäre. Hg. v. Seán Allan und Christian Moser. (= Studien zur vergleichenden Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, Bd. 9.) Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2024. 497 S.

Inspiration Bonaparte? German culture and Napoleonic occupation. Hg. v. Seán Allan und Jeffrey L. High. (= Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture, Bd. 225.) Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2021. 345 S.

Re-imagining DEFA: East German Cinema in its National and Transnational Contexts. Hg. v. Seán Allan und Sebastian Heiduschke. (= Berghahn on film.) New York: Berghahn, 2016. 378 S.

Konstruktive und destruktive Funktionen von Gewalt im Werk Heinrich von Kleists. Hg. v. Ricarda Schmidt, Seán Allan und Steven Howe. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2012.

Heinrich von Kleist. Performance and Performativity: Special Number of German Life and Letters. Hg. v. Seán Allan und Elystan Griffiths. German Life & Letters 64.3 (2011). 160 S.

DEFA. East German Cinema, 1946-1992. Hg. v. Seán Allan und John Sandford 1999, New York, Oxford: Berghahn, 1999. 328 S.